Connecting the community to create wellbeing
Your donation will make a difference
Please make donations on our fundraising page – Thank You!
Reach Out Waiheke is a charitable initiative set up to enhance the wellbeing of Waiheke Island whānau affected by a mental illness.
We’re a local community response that supports mental wellbeing by alleviating social isolation and loneliness, creating meaningful connections that touch hearts and change lives.

Our Reach Out Mahi
Four purposeful pillars guide and support our kaupapa to enhance the wellbeing of people living with a mental illness on Waiheke Island through increased social and community engagement.
Reach Out Waiheke is grounded in community spirit and kindness. The little things can make all the difference to improve mental health – a walk on the beach, a shared coffee, gardening together, going to the gym, an art class or writing group. We create opportunities to connect and participate in supportive, safe and meaningful ways.

The loneliness and social isolation commonly experienced by people living with mental unwellness are often overlooked and accepted in silence. It doesn’t have to be this way. Reaching out and connecting can have a positive impact on quality of life, wellbeing and recovery.

We work in partnership with our buddies to meet each individual’s specific needs – to find the right activities and social connections for each person’s unique situation and circumstances.

We seek to build hope and joy for people living with a mental illness, and for their wider whānau. We have a network of Friends who actively facilitate social opportunities and activities – the chance to get together, talk, laugh, and enjoy new experiences.

Reach Out Waiheke is grounded in community spirit and kindness. The little things can make all the difference to improve mental health – a walk on the beach, a shared coffee, gardening together, going to the gym, an art class or writing group. We create opportunities to connect and participate in supportive, safe and meaningful ways.

The loneliness and social isolation commonly experienced by people living with mental unwellness are often overlooked and accepted in silence. It doesn’t have to be this way. Reaching out and connecting can have a positive impact on quality of life, wellbeing and recovery.

We work in partnership with our buddies to meet each individual’s specific needs – to find the right activities and social connections for each person’s unique situation and circumstances.

We seek to build hope and joy for people living with a mental illness, and for their wider whānau. We have a network of Friends who actively facilitate social opportunities and activities – the chance to get together, talk, laugh, and enjoy new experiences.
Reach Out Waiheke has developed a range of community responses to mental health and wellbeing. From supporting individuals living with a mental illness, to our dedicated Wellness Garden, and Whānau Support group. Our network of Friends – Reach Out volunteers – create connections for individual people, work in our gardens and help our fundraising initiatives.
Our work relies on the support and generosity of our community. Your donation helps us to improve mental health by reducing social isolation and increasing belonging. No matter how big or small, every donation helps to change the life of someone living with a mental illness. If you are able to, please donate here.